Might Tom Cruise Be Appearing in "Star Wars: Episode VII?"

Are the rumors true? Did Tom Cruise really meet with J.J. Abrams about a role in "Star Wars: Episode VII?"

Image via tomcruise.com

You can go ahead and file this one under the “rumors” category, but we would be remiss if we did not at least relay what we've read.

The Sun is reporting that Tom Cruise was in London and met at a hotel with director J.J. Abrams regarding a potential cameo role in Star Wars: Episode VII. No, we’re not kidding. They’ve worked together on the Mission: Impossible franchise, so it’s not totally far-fetched.

Granted, The Sun is a tabloid that is not exactly known for its rigorous sourcing and fact checking. However, as Escapist Magazine points out, they were all over the Paul Bettany role in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, so we can’t totally discount the report.

But what role could Cruise possibly be playing? An Ewok? R2-D2? Some other vertically-challenged character? If he does land a spot in the film, it’s a mortal lock he will be sprinting at some point.

[via UPROXX]

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