This Startup Wants to Use Your Personal Data For Your Own Benefit

A new startup, called OwnOut, intends to use customer data to benefit the customers themselves.

Image via BetaBeatt

Plenty of the tech and social media services you rely on use your data as the basis of another revenue stream. But a new startup, called OwnOut, intends to use customer data to benefit the customers themselves. 

“We help brands steal customers,” said OwnOut founder Mike Grassotti of the service, which uses your email account to analyze your shopping habits and then gets in touch with the brands you're interested in to send you targeted deals and sale specials.

“Say we have 1,000 people with the same shopping characteristics,” Grassotti told Betabeat. “You’ll find that 100 of those people will have found things and made purchases the others haven’t yet, but we can predict that the others would want it. Then we reach out to that brand.”

“People might believe they don’t like their data used in a certain way, but to get them to take action, you have to give them some benefit,” he added.

[via BetaBeat]

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