Weekend Reading: How the Marvel Universe is Taking Over the Entire Film Universe

Read up on everything pop culture with these great pieces.

Image via Walt Disney Studios

The success of last weekend’s Thor sequel proved there’s no slowing down the Marvel movie franchise. At The Dissolve, Noel Murray, Keith Phipps and Matt Singer explore the effects the Marvel shared universe has had on movies.

This year has been great for TV shows, so great that James Poniewozik at Time declares the new TV Golden age is made up of several good shows instead of just a few. 

As the race for the Oscar’s continues take a moment to head over to Variety to read praise from directors like J.J. Abrams and Judd Apatow on this year’s Oscar contenders, including directors Steve McQueen (12 Years a Slave) and Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity). 

Everyone knows the Oscar’s voting system is a little flawed to say the least. Grantland’s Mark Harris offers a solution to choosing a winner in the controversial Best Screenplay category. 

Modern Family is just one of the shows that continues to dominate TV ratings despite losing quality. As Jason Lynch over at the AV Club explains, however, it's one of several shows using supporting characters as its lifeline.

Football and beer are a match made in heaven, but what happens when you throw failure and memory into the mix? Let Grantland's Alex Pappademas take you through his experience of being in New York watching a Bengals game

The mixture of promethazine and codeine better known as “lean” has been a hip-hop staple that's made it to the mainstream. Revisit this article by Fletcher Babb at Viceuncovering the dangerous "lean" business filtered through Instagram

Now that Blockbuster's closed it's doors forever how are we supposed to discover VHS gems like Chester Novell Turner's film Black Devil Doll? The New York Times' Erik Piepenburg talks to the film's long-lost director about the reemergence of his niche horror film.

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