BitTorrent Live Launches Open Beta

Streaming by the people, for the people.

Image via BitTorrent Live

A new video streaming website seeks to level the playing field for broadcasters large and small. 

It's called BitTorrent Live and it's currently in open beta, meaning anyone so inclined can try it. The site is "designed to deliver high quality video to large audiences," according to its release, though broadcasting costs are refreshingly low—all you need is a laptop and camera. 

“We've demonstrated scaling and improved stability during our invite-only period, and are excited to open our service up to anyone who wants it," said Bram, a spokesperson, in the press release. 

Since November, BitTorrent Live has been working with several digital creators and broadcasters to get its program up and running, and now the network is taking off.

Becoming a broadcaster is fairly straightforward—just enter a username, password, channel title and email account—and for those on the viewing end, there's no shortage of channels to explore. We're particularly intrigued by the Internet Archive Cartoons and international sports channels. 

[via press release]

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