"3" Premieres on CBS to Lowest Demo Ratings Ever

Not good news.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Since most of you were probably watching the Olympics, you likely didn't realize that CBS premiered a new dating show last night, titled 3. In fact, judging by the ratings, we're certain of this. According to Vulture, the series garnered a weak 1.7 million viewers in its adults under 50 target demo, numbers which make it the lowest rated series premiere the network has ever seen. Ouch.

Since those ratings are more fitting for a soapy CW teen show than a reality show on a major network, it's looking likely that the series either going to get moved to Saturday timeslot or canceled altogether by the day's end. How tragic; how will these women ever find their Mr. Right if not on national television?

[via Vulture]

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