Man Caught Masturbating on Chinatown Bus From Philly to New York

Don't be a jerk in public...

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Complex Original

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On Saturday, a Brooklyn man decided to pass the idle time on a Chinatown bus ride from Philly to New York by masturbating. Another horrified passenger seems to have been the object of his lust, as Illiana Martinez told the New York Post "He was staring back at me the whole time."  Martinez insists that the man, 39-year-old  Genrong Zhang, wanted her to see exactly what he was doing. He came, she saw, he conquered.

Not at all flattered, Martinez called the police. The bus driver pulled the vehicle over and locked the doors, temporarily trapping everyone inside of the Zhang's masturbation chamber. He pretended to be asleep when the police arrived, but they weren't fooled and he was arrested. As vile as this may sound, it shouldn't shock anyone that's taken a ride on a Chinatown bus. 

Not that this is any better, but at least he wasn't a teacher at a Christian school, or an undercover cop.

[via Gothamist and The New York Post]

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