Arthouse Alert: Experience Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange" This Weekend (6/17-18) in Denver

Expand your slang. Create some new nightmares.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ novel of the same name is perhaps his harshest film, exploring the nature of violence and evil in the human soul and our ability to control it. Malcom McDowell, who has lately been serving time on HBO’s Entourage as an uber-evil Hollywood agent, stars as Alex, a perfectly debauched criminal in a London of the not-too-distant (from 1962, that is) future. His days of drunkenness, robbery, and rape are broken only by trips to a milk bar and his reverie at home with his favorite classical records. But once he's arrested and subjected to state-sanctioned rehabilitation attempts, the question of how far a society will go to prevent violence becomes quite complicated.—Finn Cohen

A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18
Midnight (both nights)
Esquire Theatre
590 Downing Street, Denver

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