30 World-Class DJs Formed an Orchestra Out of Only Turntables and Mixers

The Philharmonic Turntable Orchestra is the first orchestra composed of only turntables.

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You can do anything with a turntable and a dream. At least, that’s the mantra of the The Philharmonic Turntable Orchestra, who just released the world’s first ensemble piece using only turntables and mixers. 

Comprised of 30 musicians, ranging from DMC World Champions, to teen champions, to the youngest DMC champion to date, the orchestra flips Felix Mendelssohn's "Violin Concerto in E Minor," the very first 12'' LP record—released in 1948. 

Each of the 30 DJs were given a vinyl record with a different sample from the concerto and a mixer. The samples ranged from hyper specific, a single triangle, to chorus vocals with a bit more body. Together, the ensemble reconstructed the classic piece of music with a modern edge, adding in scratches, cross fades, and injecting the composition with that undeniable DJ swagger.

As one of the orchestra DJ’s explains, "Everything done here was live, and it took three full days of intense practice and rehearsal with the 30 DJs."

You can watch video of the historic event above. Continue for a behind-the-scenes look at how vinyl records are made.

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