Teen Takes Selfie With Dead Person on Field Trip, Might Get Suspended Because Manners

Don't do this please.

February 7, 2014
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

This is why kids get stuck going on field trips to zoos instead of interesting places like morgues.

When a biology class from Clements High School of Lime Stone County, AL, took a trip to the University of Alabama Birmingham's biology department, one of the students thought it would be oh-so cool to lift a sheet covering a cadaver in the university's morgue, and take a quick seflie with the unidentified body behind it. Of course, the shot was posted to Instagram, and when a fellow student saw the picture, she told her sister, who did the adult thing and reported it to the school—but not before capturing a screenshot of the selfie for evidence.

“We are speaking to the University of Alabama Birmingham, they are understandably upset with this incident and we want to preserve our relationship with the university,” said Karen Tucker, Limestone County School Board Director of Public Relations and Technology. ”Therefore we are speaking to them and wanting to know how we can mend this process and keep our relationship with them, and we are in the process of deciding on the discipline that will occur.”

The University of Alabama released this statement upon finding out about the rogue selfie taker:

"A student was made explicitly aware of these policies and breached them. This kind of disrespect is unacceptable and very disappointing. We will review our processes to ensure this does not happen again."

It surely will. Somewhere.

[via WHNT]