There's a Marble Statue in Philadelphia That Looks Exactly Like Ron Swanson from "Parks and Recreation"

Here's the story behind Ron Swanson's doppelganger, who lived in Philadelphia back in the 1800s.

July 16, 2014
Image via tmcdizzle827 on Reddit

Anyone who has watched an episode of "Parks and Recreation" would be able to recognize Ron Swanson's face. Director of the city's department of parks and recreation, Swanson has an epic mustache and the best facial expression of any character on the show. That's why one Redditor who recently visited Philadelphia's Walnut Street Theatre was convinced he found a marble statue of Swanson (or Nick Offerman, who plays the expressionless man) at the old theater and shared a photo of it with the rest of Reddit.

While the statue does indeed bear a seriously uncanny resemblance to Offerman, it's actually a statue of Shakespearean actor Edwin Forrest, who performed in the theater back in 1820. Kudos to MTV for getting the scoop on the centuries-old sculpture. Turns out that Forrest and Offerman have more in common than physical appearance. Besides acting, Offerman is also a craftsman with his own woodshop. Likewise, Forrest worked as a cooper, "someone who makes wooden, staved vessels." Pretty crazy, right? Read up on the statue here.

Either way, we're just going to continue believing the glorious six-ton statue is really a tribute to the best TV character ever.

[via MTV]

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