Rick Owens Gives Us a Look Into His Everyday Life, and It's Not as Dark as You Might Think

"The Window" takes a look at the everyday life of Rick Owens, and also gets some insight to the designer's artistic vision.

February 6, 2016
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Anytime we’re given a glimpse into the world of Rick Owens, we know we won’t be disappointed. Whether he’s letting us into his Paris studio, or providing a peek at his actual living quarters, the legendary designer never fails to remain on brand. This is further demonstrated in a recent short documentary by Barneys’ The Window, which caught up with the 53-year-old at his ultra clean, monochromatic home in Paris.

Within a one-and-a-half-minute video, we’re shown the inside of the dark lord’s abode. Sure, the interior design is on point, but the most intriguing element is the rare look at his everyday life: watching him work on his designs, seeing his pets make their way through the stark rooms, and watching he and his wife, Michèle Lamy, cook their meals together. The project, though shot in black and white, is fairly lighthearted, and adds another dimension to Owens’ persona.

You can take a look at the silent video above. The Window also conducted a Q&A with Owens, who talks about everything from his design aesthetic, to his love for fringe culture, to bringing L.A. sensibilities to Paris.

Check out the full interview here.
