Joe Flacco Thinks He's the Best Quarterback in the NFL

Really, dude?

April 4, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

When we say the words "best quarterback in the NFL," who comes to mind? Tom Brady? Aaron Rodgers? Drew Brees? Peyton Manning? Eli Manning? Ben Roethlisberger? Matt Ryan? Sam Bradford? Michael Vick? Tony Romo? Jay Cutler? Matthew Stafford? Cam Newton? Uh, stop us when Joe Flacco comes to mind.

Wait, he doesn't come to mind, does he? Because while Flacco has settled into the role of starting QB for the Baltimore Ravens, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone—inside or outside of the city of Baltimore—who considers Flacco the best QB in the league. And yet, according to Flacco, he's better than all of the guys that we just listed above.

"I assume everyone thinks they're a top-five quarterback," Flacco said yesterday during a radio interview on WNST 1570 in Baltimore. "I mean, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'm top five, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'd be very successful at my job if I didn't feel that way. I mean, c'mon? That's not really too tough of a question."

No, it's not tough at all, Joe. Just watch how we answer it.

Q: "Is Joe Flacco the best quarterback in the NFL?"

A: "$^%& NO!"

See? We respect the confidence you've got in yourself, man. And we're not exactly saying you belong on this list or anything. But, no. Just no. Take your team to a Super Bowl and then maybe—maybeeeeeee—we can discuss it. But, until then...No.

[via USA Today]

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