Classy Parents Admit to Bringing Their Kids to Drug Deals

So terrible.

March 7, 2015
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


Police in Connecticut arrested a couple yesterday after they admitted to bringing their young children to drug deals—and worse.

According to the Hartford Courant, West Hartford, Conn. pulled over the vehicle of 31-year-old William Kulas and 29-year-old Ingrid Walczyk. During the stop, police learned that the couple had been arrested the previous week after being caught with 50 bags of heroin. From there, more incriminating truths began to flow.

The couple told police that they brought their kids—ages six and three, and also in the vehicle at the time of the stop—along when they sold drugs. Walczyk reportedly told officers that, not only did she have drug paraphernalia on her, but that there were 14 bags of heroin hidden in their youngest child's jacket.

These awesome parents face charges for narcotics possession, conspiracy to possess narcotics, and risk of injury. Walczyk's failure to wear a seatbelt charge is the petty icing on this fucked up cake.

[via Hartford Courant]