Portland Power Lines Have Been Taken Over by Dangling Dildos

Portland loves penises.

July 14, 2015
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Portland, Oregon embraces its weird, and kinky!, reputation in one fell swoop with its latest craze: throwing dildos over power lines. Everyone knows about throwing an old pair of kicks over a neighborhood power line, but a dildo? Now that takes creativity.

Reuters reports Portland residents have reported dildo sightings to the Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement and although it may be a disturbing sight for some (What do the kids make of these dongs?), they were deemed harmless by a Portland General Electric spokesman who said that the dildos aren't a fire hazard.

Portlandian Lucila Cejas Epple told Reuters she first spotted some dildos hanging over a street fair last weekend, but they seem to have been up since June when a video of some titled “Portland is dildos” hit YouTube.

[via VICE]
