Chrissy Teigen Admits She Struggles With Alcohol: "I Have to Fix Myself"

The 31-year-old mother revealed her family has a history of alcohol abuse.

August 22, 2017
Chrissy Teigen
Image via Instagram

There are plenty of reasons to love Chrissy Teigen, but one of her most enduring and respectable qualities is her ability to always keep it 100. Whether she’s speaking her mind on social media, clapping back at haters, or sharing details about her sex life, Teigen has consistently demonstrated a high degree of honesty.

This week, the 31-year-old model got even more candid after admitting she has struggled with alcohol and sobriety.

"I was, point blank, just drinking too much," she told Cosmopolitan. "I got used to being in hair and makeup and having a glass of wine. Then that glass of wine would carry over into me having one before the awards show. And then a bunch at the awards show. And then I felt bad for making kind of an ass of myself to people that I really respected. And that feeling, there's just nothing like that. You feel horrible. It's not a good look for me, for John [Legend], for anybody."

Teigen explained that there is a history of alcohol abuse in her family and that she isn’t a person who can have only one drink. She said working in the industry constantly puts her in front of alcohol, which makes it much harder to resist.

"Nobody really brought it up to me," Teigen said. "They just assumed that it was OK because I always felt OK the next morning. I knew in my heart it wasn't right. It makes you very short with people. People think it's cutesy and fun to go on these boozy brunches, but there's more to it. I've never once been like, 'I'm sure glad I had that boozy brunch!'"

The mother of one said she decided to make a change in her life after attending a wellness retreat in Bali. She ate better, worked out, and remained sober, resulting in better emotional and physical health. Teigen said she intends to continue down this path now that she’s back in Los Angeles, cutting down on alcohol consumption or going 100 percent sober.

"I used to think it was kind of nutty to have to go totally sober," she said. "But now I get it. I don't want to be that person… I have to fix myself."

You can read Teigen’s full interview at Cosmopolitan.
