Lauryn Hill Was Extremely Late to Her Concert Last Night and Fans Are Furious (UPDATE)

Hill reportedly showed up two and a half hours late, played for 30 minutes, and was promptly cut off.

May 7, 2016
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UPDATE (5/8/2016):

In the wake of the overwhelming negative response that she's received for arriving onstage two-hours late at a recent show in Atlanta, Lauryn Hill has taken to Facebook to better explain what happened. "I don't show up late to shows because I don't care," she began. "The challenge is aligning my energy with the time, taking something that isn't easily classified or contained, and trying to make it available for others. I don't have an on/off switch. I am at my best when I am open, rested, sensitive and liberated to express myself as truthfully as possible."

More specifically, to the fans she left waiting, she had this to say: "I have nothing but Love and appreciation for the fans in Atlanta, and regret not being able to give you a full show. We are figuring out a plan to make it up to you, and will announce details as soon as we have them."

Read Hill's full statement below.

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See original story below.

When an artist is responsible for creating masterpieces as expansive and genre-defining as either The Score or The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, that artist is typically afforded some leeway from fans when it comes to matters of punctuality at events. Last night, however, Lauryn Hill tested the patience of her fans when she hit the stage more than two hours past her scheduled start time at a concert in Atlanta, Georgia, performed for 30 minutes, and left.

Hill was scheduled to hit the stage promptly at 8 p.m. at the Chastain Park Ampitheatre, but she didn't step out in front of the masses until sometime around 10:30 p.m. When she finally did perform, she was only allowed to make it through just a handful of songs before her mic was cut off after running into the venue's enforced 11 p.m. curfew. She kept singing awhile regardless, took a few photos with fans in the front row, and then left the amphitheater.

While Hill has earned a reputation for tardiness, last night was one of the more extreme instances of a late show. Fans who bought a ticket, showed up, and were ultimately disappointed had no qualms about voicing their displeasure on social media.

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Lauryn Hill just came out up nearly 2 and a half hours late to boos. Yikes!

if u got a ticket to a lauryn hill concert in the yr of our lord 2016 & r still expecting her to show up u have no one to blame but urself

And then the venue cut her mic, which evoked another round of frustrated posts by fans.

WELP! There's a strict curfew here. They cut Lauryn Hill's sound at 11 p.m. SHARP.

Lauryn Hill was over 2 hours late to her own show. & Gave her fans less than 30 mins of a performance. & No apology.

Last night's episode is the latest in a string of controversial incidents from Hill. In February, the singer had her performance at the Grammy's cut short because she allegedly showed up too late past her scheduled start time. Before that, she missed a planned concert in Nigeria due to botched travel arrangements. She later recorded a special acoustic song as an apology to her Nigerian fans.

For as many people who were angry at Hill for failing to make it to the stage on time, just as many seemed prepared to leap to her defense.

Lauryn Hill trending for being late to a show? That's like the sun trending for rising

I've seen Lauryn Hill live like 4 times & enjoyed it every time. But yes you should arrive 2 hours late.

Lauryn Hill is allowed to be late to her concerts. You want a show that starts on time? Go see "Nunsense" or something.

People buggin because Lauryn Hill late to a concert? Y'all...this happens every time. I get the frustration but not the surprise lol.

Representatives for Hill and the Chastain Park Ampitheatre didn’t immediately return Complex’s request for comment.
