Lil Xan Reveals He Recently Relapsed But Remains Focused on Sobriety

Near the end of 2018, Lil Xan let his fans know he was heading to rehab.

June 28, 2019
Lil Xan
Image via Getty/Xavi Torrent

Near the end of 2018, Lil Xan let his fans know he was heading to rehab. The 22-year-old "Betrayed" rapper has been open with his fans about his struggles with addiction to numerous substances, but he also made it clear he wanted to get himself sober. In a recent post he revealed he's hit a setback and has relapsed.

"I love you guys so much, wanted to let you guys know I’m tapering off the last bit of norcos I’ve been addicted to," he wrote in a post on Instagram. "You can get better I promise, there’s no shame in relapsing it happens to anyone who goes through these issues, I’ve been feeling like death from withdrawals but I know once I’m sober I’ll feel amazing, I love you guys to death and I’m forever grateful for my fans who have supported me through everything."

The post also included a little thank you to those that aren't fans of his, too. "I thank my haters for teaching me that negativity on social media doesn’t matter at fucking all," he added. In December 2018, Xan told his fans that he was "out and sober."

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Earlier this month, the LAPD launched an investigation after Xan reportedly pulled a gun on a man who approached him at a gas station over his previous comments on 2Pac. Xan famously referred to the West Coast legend's music as "boring," and also called him a "little bitch." Xan allegedly pulled his gun out and waved it at the man while threatening him. He also supposedly called the man "n***a" as he fled the scene.
