Prosecutors Say Surveillance Video of Jeffrey Epstein’s Cell Was Destroyed

Remember the surveillance footage outside the cell of Jeffrey Epstein during his first alleged suicide attempt? Apparently, it has been destroyed.

January 9, 2020
jeffrey epstein
Image via Getty

Remember when the surveillance footage outside the cell of Jeffrey Epstein during his first alleged suicide attempt at New York's Metropolitan Correctional Center went missing? Apparently, it has been destroyed.

According to the New York Post, prosecutors discovered that the July 22 and 23 footage from the jail where Epstein attempted to hang himself has been destroyed. The surveillance footage was requested by Nick Tartaglione, Epstein's cellmate and accused quadruple murderer, who believes the video will prove that he "acted admirably" in trying to save Epstein.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Maurene Comey and Jason Swergold filed the letter that announced the unusual occurrence.

"The footage contained on the preserved video was for the correct date and time, but captured a different tier than the one where Cell-1 was located because the preserved video did not show corrections officers responding to any of the cells seen on the video," the prosecutors wrote.

Basically, prosecutors said the video was missing but then they found it. But when they actually watched the video, they saw that they preserved the wrong video because Tartaglione’s cell was incorrectly identified.

"After speaking with MCC legal counsel, the Government was informed that the MCC computer system listed a different, incorrect cell for Tartaglione," the prosecutors continued.

What's more, the video everyone is looking for no longer exists even on the backup system because of "technical errors."

"The requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors," they wrote. 

Epstein died by suicide on his second attempt in August.
