#GreenShirtGuy Becomes Internet Legend After Laughing Uncontrollably at Trump Supporters

The video was taken during a Tucson City Council meeting, where a MAGA hat-wearing woman was kicked out for protesting a pro-sanctuary city proposal.

August 7, 2019
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A man in a green polo shirt went viral this week after he was filmed laughing uncontrollably at a couple of xenophobic Trump supporters.

The incident went down during Tuesday's Tuscon City Council meeting, which was interrupted by a MAGA-hat wearing protestor. Video shows a woman wearing the pro-Trump hat while holding a sign that reads: "Respect our laws or we will deport you!"

According to Mediaite, the woman was protesting a voter-sponsored initiative that would designate Tucson as Arizona's first "sanctuary city." Proponents of the immigrant-friendly measure received enough petition signatures that would allow it to appear on Tuscon's November ballot; however, a number of residents and GOP-affiliated organizations have contested the move, stating a "sanctuary city" status would violate the country's immigration laws.

"You're in direct violation of the oath you took to the United States Constitution," the woman screams along with another protestor. "You're in direct violation of our laws."

The protestors were immediately heckled and laughed out of the meeting, as one bystander yelled: "You are in direct violation of being a jackass!"

There was a lot going on in the wild and admittedly satisfying scene, but the star of the clip was, without a doubt, the "Green Shirt Guy." The man, who has been identified as journalist/activist Alex Kack, is seen in the audience breaking out in laughter as the protestors are escorted out of the room. His completely relatable reaction sparked the #GreenShirtGuy hashtag and has turned Kack into a meme.

"This is unreal, you guys are wild," he tweeted in response to his newfound internet fame, also adding, "I'm glad you guys enjoyed this."

You can check out reactions to Kack's, uh, reaction below.
