Carmelo Anthony Has a Priceless Reaction to Catching a Shark While Fishing (Video)

Carmelo Anthony went fishing over the weekend and managed to reel in a pretty big shark during his trip.

Image via USA TODAY Sports

At the end of every NBA team's postseason, TNT and Inside the NBA make it a point to send squads off with their very own "Gone Fishin" segment. It's become something of a tradition on Inside the NBA and, every year, we're subjected to new photos that look like this:

And this:


But who knew that NBA stars who aren't taking part in the playoffs actually go fishing?!

We didn't. But as it turns out, they do. And Carmelo Anthony proved it yesterday by posting this video of him catching a shark on Instagram:

We're sure he'd much rather be fishing for an NBA title right now. But for now, this will do. Nice catch, 'Melo.

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[via Hot Clicks]

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