An MLB Player Quit Twitter Last Night After President Obama Was Reelected

Cool protest, bro.


Do you follow MLB pitcher Todd Coffey on Twitter? Yes? (we know you really don't, but just go along with it…) Well, then we've got some bad news for you: He quit the social networking site last night in protest over the fact that President Obama was reelected to serve another four years in the White House. However, we've also got some good news for you, too. According to his final tweet, he hasn't left Twitter forever. Assuming we're all here in 2016, he plans on signing up for Twitter again.

Bye Todd!! RT @toddcoffey60: I'm out I'll be back on twitter in 4 years if we can make it 4 more years

Wow. We're not sure what the free agent is trying to prove by doing this. But, uhhh, we'll sure miss him. Yeah…GTFOH, dude.

RELATED: The 100 Biggest Twitter Fails in Sports History

[via Bloguin]

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