Win Tickets to ABunDance of Magic at Lure Hollywood

Coming in hot today with a an event that should lock up your weekend plans on March 29 and even the potential to walk in the front door for free. That's right, we're teaming up with Grateful Generation and giving away tickets to the ABunDance of Magic event at Lure Hollywood and winning your way through that exclusive front door is easier than you think.

abundance of magic 2014


abundance of magic 2014

Coming in hot today with a an event that should lock up your weekend plans on March 29 and even the potential to walk in the front door for free. That's right, we're teaming up with Grateful Generation and giving away tickets to the ABunDance of Magic event at Lure Hollywood and winning your way through that exclusive front door is easier than you think.

But as a veteran of both the dance floor and the line at Lure, I can tell you that this time around may be a little bit different. Imagine dropping burning man culture straight into the seductive limelight of hollywood club life. ABunDance is going to have more musicians, artists, illusionists, dancers, magicians and vendors then you see on a summer Saturday in Venice beach. Talent includes Robotic Pirate Monkey, Pumpkin, and the premiere of an all new act called Bottle Service.

Speaking of Bottle Service, we've got a brand new remix premiere to get you amped up for the event this weekend. Check it out below while you put your hat in the ring for this contest and get your Beyonce on all the way to free ticket town.

Get ready to have your typical Hollywood nightlife scene flipped on its overly-manicured head for this one. Get your tickets right now (seriously, right now) because this little shindig is going to sell out before you can say "what happens on the playa, stays on the playa."


To enter:

- Share and join the FB event.

- Email with your name and why you should go.

Seriously guys. That's it.

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