The Son of NFL Coach Rob Ryan Is a Mild-Mannered Male Model

NFL coach Rob Ryan is known for being large and boisterous, but his son is a model.

March 10, 2015
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


The Ryan family as we've come to know it is made up of Buddy Ryan, former legendary NFL coach, and his twin sons, current Buffalo Bills head coach, Rex, and defensive coordinator for the New Orleans Saints, Rob. The trio are notorious for not only for their gruff, boisterous nature, but also for their rather sizable guts. However, Joe Ryan, Rob's son, is a male model, proving that the apple can fall light years away from the tree.

Joe is currently signed with Major Models and is officially the least likely child of an NFL coach to ever land a modeling contract. Just when you think things can't get weirder, a profile done on Joe by Dallas Morning News says it's the aspiring model's "maturity and easygoing personality have made him a favorite for many fashion clients." Meaning, the father and son are exactly opposite in both temperament and looks.

You can check out Joe's Instagram here.



Image via @joe_ryan on Instagram



Image via @joe_ryan on Instagram



Image via @joe_ryan on Instagram


[via TMZ]