Watch This Artist Build Skateboards Out of Trash From Construction Sites

The project is a part of the #EverydayThings initiative by the World Wildlife Fund-UK and Do The Green Thing.

March 25, 2015
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


For the "Everyday Things" project by the World Wildlife Fund-UK and Do The Green Thing, 15 artists from around the world were asked to "take stuff that already exists, repurpose it, and give it new life." American artist Mac Premo worked with California-based board company Sanford Shapes and decided to create fully functional skateboards out of discarded materials that he found at construction sites, namely plastic buckets that workers use to carry debris and raw materials.

In the video above, Mac Premo talks about the importance of recycling for the Earth and about the process of turning trash into "The Bucket Board." Check it out, then head to the Do The Green Thing Facebook page to see what other artists made for the project.

[via Vimeo]