Woman Who Drove on Sidewalk Sentenced to Wearing "Idiot" Sign by Judge

Unconstitutional, but hilarious.

November 7, 2012
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Complex Original

Remember this woman? She got caught for driving up on the sidewalk every single day because she didn't want to wait for a disabled kid to get on a school bus. The bus driver and a cop set a trap for her, and she got caught.

Because the Bill of Rights is more like a set of guidelines, the judge in charge of stupid motorist Shena Hardin's case sentenced her to standing on the side of the road where she commit the crime wearing a sign that read "Idiot." In the words of the Cleveland Municipal Court Judge, "only an idiot drives on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus."

In addition to the public shaming, Hardin's license was suspended for 30 days and was fined $250.

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[via CTV News]

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