High School Wrestlers Waterboard Teammate in Disturbing Hazing Incident

The student has since withdrawn from the school and left town.

January 22, 2018
High school wrestlers
Image via Getty/Toni L. Sandys/The Washington Post

Wrestlers from Kelly Walsh High School in Casper, Wyoming are in some serious trouble, or at least we hope so. The students have been implicated in a very Guantanamo-esque incident of hazing, wherein upperclassmen allegedly waterboarded a freshman. As the Casper Star-Tribune reports, the incident was an act of retaliation. Reportedly, the freshman in question winked at one of his older teammates after he was teased.

The whole thing is incredibly disturbing. The attackers allegedly “yanked him back, and they threw him on a bench,” said one source to the Star-Tribune. “One kid held his legs, tow other kids held his arms, they put a towel over his head, and one kid said, ‘Let’s piss in his mouth.’” The freshman struggled to get away, causing the towel to fall off. His teammates put it back over his face and began to pour water over his mouth and nose. When he started to choke, his attackers let him get up before rubbing him with a sanitizing cream wrestlers use to protect against skin infections. The source says the freshman then walked into the showers to wash it off.

Neither the victim, his parents, nor the school's wrestling coach have offered a comment on the incident. However, it’s said the student's parents met with the school’s athletic director and principal the day after the alleged attack. The upperclassmen involved in the incident were reportedly suspended, although it’s unclear for how long. They were forced to miss at least two tournaments. A source told the Casper Star-Tribune that police had been involved, but no word as to an ongoing investigation. The victim has since withdrawn from the school and moved out of town.
