Jeremy Lin Surprises His Mother With a Pie to the Face for Her Birthday (Video)

To celebrate his mother's birthday, Jeremy Lin gave her a birthday cake to the face as a gift.

August 21, 2014
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


No one is safe from Jeremy Lin right now. Especially his own mother. Last week, Lin posted a video on Instagram where he posterized members of his family. Towards the end of the brief clip, you will see how Jeremy scared the crap out of his poor mom with the most dramatic dunk. Poor moms. But the 25-year-old Lakers guard wasn't done just yet.

To celebrate her birthday, Lin posted the above video with the following message:


Happy Birthday to my mom!! Heres one of her many bday gifts we got her this year lollll. At least i got her favorite flavor... #pietothedome #stilltakingnoprisoners #raspberrychocolatecake


Messed. Up. On Aug. 23, Jeremy celebrates his birthday. We're hoping his mom gets him back in a big way. *fingers crossed*

[via Jeremy Lin]