Poll Reveals More Than 50 Percent of People Would Give Up ESPN and ESPN2 to Save $8 Per Month

Bad news for ESPN.

January 14, 2016
Image via ESPN

Lots and lots of people are cutting their cable cords these days and doing away with their cable service. They don’t see the sense in paying hundreds of dollars every month for cable when they’re binge-watching Netflix anyway. But one thing that has kept some sports fans hanging onto their cable service is ESPN.

At least, that’s always been the thought. But according to a recent poll conducted by BTIG Research , more and more people are saying that they’d gladly do away with ESPN if it meant saving money on their cable bill every month. In fact, about 56 percent of the 1,582 surveyed by BTIG said that they would give up ESPN and ESPN2 if it meant saving $8 per month, including 60 percent of female respondents and 49 percent of male respondents. And the age of the respondents didn’t seem to matter, with different generations giving the same answer.

Additionally, only 6 percent of the people surveyed said they would pay $20 per month for ESPN and ESPN2 if they were offered in their own package.

This is obviously not the kind of news ESPN wants to hear and, while it probably won’t have an immediate impact on them, it could be a bad sign for the future of the company.

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[via Awful Announcing]
