Activision's Live Rendering Video Is So Realistic It's Creepy

This is the future of video games.

March 28, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

To think that only three decades ago video game graphics were nothing but colored dots arranged into something that resembled a person or an object. Now we have the technology that can create humanistic features so detailed that you can read the emotion from the faces.

At this year's Game Developers Conference, Activision's Research and Development team showed their progress in video game graphics with a real-time human render that duplicates the mouth and facial movements of a person. What makes this such a ground breaking feat is that before, characters would have to be created and then matched up with a voice beforehand. With Activision's creation, every move-down to the eye movements-happens at the same time the subject is doing it. See for yourself in the video above and witness what the future of video games has in store for us.

[via Activision R&D's YouTube page]