Man Runs Back Into to Burning House to Rescue Beer Because Alcoholism Is Real

No one was injured.

October 27, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Walter Serpit is a man with his priorities in order. The Columbus, Ga. man was inside of a house with five other adults and children when a fire—which was caused by a new water heater—broke out on Thursday. Luckily, everyone made it out safely, but Serpit realized he had forgotten something: his precious beer.

"I went back into the house like a dummy," he told explained. "I told them to get the kids out and everything, and me myself, being an alcoholic, I was trying to get my beer out," he added. He managed to save several cans and did without sustaining any injuries.

Mission accomplished, but this is still very, very sad.

[via Gawker]