Portland Man Falls Asleep in Dumpster

Find a better nap spot.

August 12, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Well, at least he didn't drive drunk. 27-year-old Ryan Gilpatrick stumbled out of Portland, OR bar Club 205 Friday night, and decided it would be best if he avoided driving home in his intoxicated state. Instead, he opted to take a nap—in a cardboard-filled dumpster. To further complicate the matter, it was pickup day.

Gilpatrick was dumped into the pickup truck's recycling compactor, and the driver drove a quarter of a mile without even realizing that the had a live passenger. He compacted the recyclables twice, but Gilpatrick remarkably survived because the compactor was mostly empty. The driver finally stopped when he heard Gilpatrick screaming, and had to convince him to stay until ambulances arrived.

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[via NY Daily News]

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