California Mom Sleeps With Estranged Teenage Son After Tracking Him Down Using Facebook

Oedipus? Nah, just gross.

May 3, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

A California mother has been arrested after she was caught having sex with her 16-year-old son. 32-year-old Mistie Atkinson, who had had no contact with her son for 15 years, used Facebook to track him down and began sending him inappropriate messages. The boy was living with his father at the time.

The two were caught in a Ukiah, Calif., motel room back on March 2, and police recovered videos from the kid’s phone showing his mother in multiple compromising positions (oral, some other things). They also found nude pictures Atkinson had sent to her son. In other news, how is your day going? Probably not great after having read that, right?

Atkinson is being held at the Napa County Jail on charges of incest, oral copulation of a minor, contact with a minor for a sexual offense, and sending harmful matter to a minor. Her bail was set at $200,000.

This story is all the way fucked, but the most disturbing information is that both knew they were biological mother and son. What kind of Jimmy Darmody shit is that? At least Oedipus was unaware that he boned his own mother.

[via The Daily Mail UK]

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