Have $500? Give It to Shaq to Make a Video Game and He'll Follow You on Instagram

Bring back 'Shaq Fu'.

March 6, 2014
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Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Shaq needs $450,000 to make Shaq Fu: The Legend Reborn, and he's looking to you to help him make it happen.

The Legend Reborn is the sequel to 1994's Shaq Fu, and Shaq is partnering with Big Deez Productions to bring the game to the PC and mobile devices. To raise the money, Shaq started an Indiegogo campaign to raise $450,000, and he's added some incentive to those who want to donate: if you donate $500, Shaq will follow you on Instagram. OMG. Is Kazaam real? Because I know all of your wishes have suddenly came true. If you drop $750, you'll get a personalized YouTube message. Well hot damn.

If you're a fan of the original Shaq Fu, the studio is saying that this beat-em-up will be far different from the original. "There are two, and only two, similarities between our Shaq Fu, and the abomination that was born in the nineties," the crowdfunding page explains. "The name, and the starring character."

[via IndieGoGo]