Google Allows Grooveshark Back Into The Google Play Store

Some music labels are not happy that Grooveshark is back.

August 30, 2012
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Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

After being tossed out of the Apple App Store and Google PlayGrooveshark, the music streaming app, is once again available for download on Android devices. The app is still unavailable on iPhone unless your device is jailbroken. Grooveshark is an unique music streaming service because users can upload music which can be streamed by other users. The concept is cool but major music labels are not trilled about this service.

Escape Media Group, the developer of Grooveshark, obtained over 1,000 licences from record labels. The app also works as an outlet for over 25,000 independent artists. Regardless, Grooveshark is being sued by labels like Universal Music Group Recordings, Warner Bros. Records, and Sony Music Entertainment for copyright infringement. Grooveshark has dedicated itself to punishing users who upload copyrighted content. Grooveshark states that, "If a user's account is repeatedly associated with infringing material, that user's 'upload privileges' will be revoked".

Android users can download Grooveshark for free but it includes advertising. For only $6 a month you can upgrade to advertisement-free music streaming and for $9 you get a mobile device subscription.

[viaPC World]

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