Allison Williams to Star as Peter Pan on NBC

Allison Williams of "Girls" has been cast as Peter in the NBC live-action production of "Peter Pan."

July 30, 2014

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Were you one of the (very, very few) people who actually enjoyed Marnie’s (Allison Williams) cringe-worthy musical performance of Kanye West’s Stronger during Season 2 of Girls? If you haven’t seen it, well, enjoy:


If that type of thing is your style, then you’re going to be very excited:

Allison Williams (aka Marnie on #Girls) is playing #PeterPan in NBC's live musical

— BuzzFeedEntmnt (@BuzzFeedEnt) July 30, 2014

Obviously, the first question that arises is that Peter Pan is a male’s role, so why Allison Williams? In fact, it’s actually quite common for a woman to play the part, and the very popular original NBC telecasts in the 1950s starred Mary Martin as Peter.

Williams' musical talent may not be well-known, but she actually has an incredible voice. In 2010 she dropped this video on YouTube, and to date it has recorded over 1.2 million views:


There’s also the matter of her family. Her father Brian Williams is, of course, the beloved anchor of the NBC Nightly News. While we would certainly never insinuate that nepotism in any way influenced the casting choice, you can’t deny that the link is, at the very least, quite intriguing.

Needless to say, interest around the NBC Peter Pan production is certainly going to pick up.

[via Twitter]