Man Watching Porn While Driving Dies in Car Crash

Michigan man watching porn while driving died in a car crash.

January 27, 2016
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

By now people know about the perils of drinking and driving, texting and driving, and pretty much any other activity that may distract a person when driving. But that hasn't stopped people from masturbating and driving. In July a woman in England was engaging in some self-love behind the wheel, and when driven to ecstasy she plowed straight into a truck. Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident. The same can't be said for a man in Detroit who was watching porn while he drove before crashing his car and dying.

A 58-year-old Michigan man lost his life on Sunday after crashing his car, according to Fox 2 News. Michigan State Police said the accident happened at around 3:30 a.m. The unidentified man, reportedly found without pants by police, is said to have been masturbating and watching porn when he crashed his 1996 Toyota. The man was thrown through the car's sunroof because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Michigan State Police said the man died on the scene.

If you want to love yourself for real just save it for when you're not busy driving, or pull over. It's not worth putting yourself in danger, or dying.
