Body Shots: How to Look Like a Douche Without Even Trying

Just don't do it.

May 19, 2012
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Complex Original

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Who doesn't love body shots, right? Wrong. You suck if you take body shots. This is your PSA for the week, you check? Check out the photographic evidence illustrating the horror of this practice. Just drink alcohol like a regular person. Tell the "SPRING BREAK WOOO!" side of your personality to go die.


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That t-shirt is so truuuuu. Love stinks—drink well tequila out of dirty navels instead!


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It looks like she's about to be sacrificed. Always a good look!


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Make body shots apart of your family reunion! Your grandchildren will hate you!


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It's funny because he doesn't have boobs!


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Body shots with Mom!


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Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!


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Drawing + Liquor = BIG FUN!


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Sick chain, bruh!


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And that was the night everything changed...


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"He took the whole glass," the crowd exclaimed.


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Yeah, headband! Bro, yeah!


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We give points, at least, for not doing an actual body shot. But we take those points away for owning a blow-up doll.


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Nothing quite like the taste of warm Natty out of a man's belly button.


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Marvin Gaye asked that we "save the babies." He didn't think they'd need saving from this. He was wrong.