Real Lethal: Our Favorite Video Game Weapon Replicas

Mafia II's 1911 lamp is fresh, but it's not the first video-game weapon replica to bring a little firepower to a fanboy's life.

July 22, 2010
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Snoop Dogg be shinin'! Yeah, that's him with a 1911 pistol lamp exclusively created by the good folks at 2K for the August 24th release of Mafia II, and we're very excited. (And not just because there are only 200 of them and we have one, either.) Video game weapons aren't always done right (word to the dudes at Comic-Con with aluminum foil swords), but every now and then someone gets it right. Whether they're done by the dedicated fans, creative teams, or mysterious Craigslist artisans, there are cool replicas out there. So sink back in your Power Mushroom beanbag chair and take a look at our favorite video-game replicas...

THE LANCER Game:Gears of War Complex says: Here's the thing about the Lancer. We've killed so many people throughout the years with the chainsaw/machine gun that we figured that seeing one in person kind of freaks us out a bit. But as it turns out, nope! So when Epic brought one of the two existing official Lancers to E3 this year, we had to capture it for posterity—that's Complex's own Damien Scott lamping with the weapon of mass deconstruction. Thankfully it's just a replica, because sawing someone in half as you look into their uncomprehending eyes might not be quite as fun in real life.


THE KEYBLADE Game: Kingdom Hearts Complex says: If you ever want to impress the cosplay chicks (the freaks come out at Comic-Con!), than you gotta go with a legitimate replica. It might cost you a few bucks, but if it means unlocking the secret caverns of these three, then we say "worth it." Know why? BECAUSE THERE'S THREE OF THEM!


THE BUSTER BLADE/GUN BLADE Game: Final Fantasy VII/VIII Complex says: Cloud's Buster Blade and Squall's Gun Blade might be two of the most badass weapons in video game history. A huge sword that can kill you instantly and a sword that shoots you in the face while it goes through your chest: Why aren't these things real? Probably because it would make things a whole lot messier. Remember that whole Dick Cheney hunting situation? Yikes!


THE SCARBOROUGH FAIR Game: Bayonetta Complex says: The hottest video-game character of 2010 (at least until the long-awaited Brazzers platformer drops) had one of the dopest weapons: a high-octane pink popper called Scarborough Fair (well, it was actually four guns, but the Simon & Garfunkel thing is a little ehhhh). SEGA only released in Australia, but we managed to get our hands on one, nyeah nyeah nyeah. This makes a great gift for the gamer wifey but it's even better if you get her the costume to go with it. What, you don't like late-night RPGs?


THE HYLIAN SWORD & SHIELD Game: The Legend of Zelda Complex says: We're not going to lie, Link might be a mute, tights-wearing, pubescent elf, but what could you say to a guy who practically looks like Rambo with his shirt off has a royal shield and sword and can turn into a wolf?


THE SPARTAN SUIT Game: Halo Complex says: Having one of these bad boys is like having a Stormtrooper replica in your crib: It's cool for you and your friends, but once you get married it's going to the garage. But instead of mourning your inner Master Chief, take pride in knowing the fact that you're one of the few men on the planet who bought one of these things and still managed to find a wife.


RYU'S HEADBAND Game:Street Fighter Complex says: When SF4 was released, the pre-order fans got Ryu headbands. WAAAAAAIT A MINUTE, you say. THAT'S NOT A WEAPON! Well, shut up. Considering that he wraps it around his head before every fight where he hurricane kicks you into a Super Hadouken, we think you can overlook the fact that it doesn't spray bullets.


EBONY & IVORY Game:Devil May Cry Complex says: DMC's Dante always had the twin cannons that reminded us of that Shyne line, and they were loved by just about everyone who ever played the game. We have no idea whether Capcom is behind these replicas, but if any of our readers know Japanese, enlighten us.