Neil deGrasse Tyson Talks Space Sex

Neil deGrasse Tyson gets down to business, sex business, in this promo for "Star Talk."

November 21, 2015
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

If the human race is going to survive after that giant asteroid destroys Earth someday, it will be because we've figured out a way to live off of this planet.

And if we're going to live off of this planet, we'll eventually need new humans, and that means space sex. But what would that even be like?

Luckily, we have national treasure, nerd king and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson to tell us what it's all about. In a new promo for his show Star Talk, deGrasse Tyson answers the most important space question he's tackled yet.

Short answer: It can happen, but you're going to want to bring along some straps (yes, freaky) if you're going to get it on in zero gravity.
