'Game of Thrones' Fan Theory Has Arya Stark Making a Killing in the Season 6 Finale

Will Arya Stark return to cross a name off her list in the "Game of Thrones" Season 6 finale? This fan theory thinks so.

June 26, 2016
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Warning: Game of Thrones spoilers ahead.

What is Arya Stark up to? We haven't seen her for an entire episode, but with the Season 6 finale of Game of Thrones approaching it's probably a safe bet to assume we'll catch up with her before it's over with. Just how she'll return is another matter, but there's an interesting fan theory out there that started on Reddit, and expanded on The Huffington Post. According to this theory, if you've seen the trailer for the finale, "The Winds of Winter," you've already seen Arya.

Did you see her? No? Okay, I'll explain. Let's start with what Redditor kaztrator posted:

The Red Wedding was orchestrated by three men: Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton and Walder Frey. At the Red Wedding, they shot Robb with arrows, stabbed him, and after they were done with her son, they slit Catlyn's throat. Ever since, Tywin's son shot him with a crossbow, and Roose's son stabbed him just like Roose stabbed Robb. This leaves Walder Frey, and to complete the trifecta of karmic justice, he'll get his throat slit by his own son. These deaths all happened or will happen in their own homes too, due to their disregard for "guest right." I bet one of Walder's sons kill him early in the next season, although I'm hoping for the son to slit his throat, and then unmask to reveal herself as Arya Stark, who's back to killing the people on her list.

Here's what he's referring to, in case you don't remember. The Red Wedding involved breaking a tradition called "guest right." Those who break "guest right" are supposedly cursed to be killed by their children. Tywin Lannister and Roose Bolton have both been killed by their sons, leaving only Walder Frey.

Arya Stark definitely wants Walder Frey dead, she even mentioned it earlier this season, but she's not one of Walder Frey's children. Is there a way that she could kill him, and sort of fulfill the curse? According to the theory put forth by Huffington Post, yeah there is.

We know from Season 5 when Arya killed Ser Meryn Trant that she has some talents for disguise. Now let's go back to that trailer knowing what we know now. Here's Walder Frey at a feast, standing between his "sons."

It's just a theory, but a pretty cool one if it turns out to be true.
