Penthouse Will Pay $1 Million for Footage of Trump's Alleged 'Golden Showers'

Penthouse is putting money on the line for footage of Trump's alleged "golden showers" show.

January 11, 2017
Image via will668 on Flickr

Penthouse, one of America's finest providers of nude photography and political commentary, has offered a million damn dollars for "exclusive" rights to the alleged "golden showers" video hinted at in the 35-page Trump document published by BuzzFeed Tuesday. The unverified document, BuzzFeed reported Tuesday, includes allegations that the Russian government had been collecting "compromising" information on Trump for years.

Specifically, one portion of the unverified document alleges that Trump chose to defile the bed where the Obamas previously slept at a Ritz Carlton in Moscow by "employing a number of prostitutes to perform a 'golden showers' (urination) show in front of him." The alleged incident, which Trump disputed during his first formal press conference in nearly six months Wednesday, was said to have taken place at a hotel with concealed cameras and microphones.

Penthouse announced their $1 million offer shortly after the story broke, with Penthouse Global Media CEO Kelly Holland eventually issuing a statement. "We, along with the rest of the free world, are intrigued by the reports alleging President-Elect Donald Trump employed sex workers to perform a 'golden showers' show in the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton hotel in Moscow," Holland told Complex in a statement Wednesday. "However, while many media outlets are content running a story based on conjecture and rumor, we at Penthouse are committed to the value of getting the story right rather than getting it first. So we are offering up to $1-million to secure exclusive rights to the FSB tapes documenting Trump's Russian hotel hijinks. After all, seeing is believing. ​"

BuzzFeed reported Tuesday that their reporters in the U.S. and Europe had been investigating the "various alleged facts" found in the dossier, but had neither verified or falsified them at the time of publication. The full document was published, BuzzFeed added, "so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the U.S. government."
