Literal And Figurative Non-Verbal Communication Between Hypebeasts


Guys, I don't think I really understand this one in all honesty. Supreme, a skateboard brand at its core, making a Nike running sneaker? Now, I know Supreme has made non-skate sneakers in the past, like Wallabees and shit, but something here just doesn't taste right, especially considering Supreme picked the most base level, swagless, peasant Flyknit ever made, the Lunar +1 Trainer. Aren't Flyknits a bit 2012 in general? I want Supreme to push the movement! To force streetwear/menswear in directions it otherwise wouldn't dare go! Then again, this might be Supreme flexing because what other brand you know gets to collaborate with Nike on a custom Flyknit? And the "Sup" on the side acts as kind of both a figurative and literal non-verbal communication between Hypebeasts. Like, "Sup, dawgie. You like Supreme too? Cool man. Let's be friends on the Internet." Make new friends with your new Supreme Flyknits on October 3.

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