"Hawken" Will Be Fully Compatible With Oculus Rift VR Headset

My nerd brain just melted a little bit.

August 28, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

This is not the first time we've mentioned the Oculus Rift VR Headset. But, it is the first time we've talked about how the new headset will be fully compatible with the highly anticipated Hawken

I don't think I need to elaborate on how effing amazing the idea of playing a mech game with a decent VR headset would be. Hawken, the free-to play multiplayer mech shooter, has enough hype around it to begin with. People are stoked on the game's look, feel, and the design of the mechs. Now that we have found out that the Rift Headset will not only be compatible, but owners of the headset will be able to move their heads around, and the movements will be reflected in-game.

So yes, moving your head around your living room will be just like moving your head around in your cockpit. Hawken drops December 12 on PC for free.
