Polaroid to Release Instagram Socialmatic Camera by 2014

Instagram printed photos.

March 16, 2013
Image via Socialmatic

Last year, the first Instagram photo camera called the Socialmatic Camera was proposed on Indiegogo, but failed to raise enough funds to produce the device.

Socialmatic announced recently that it's partnering up with premier photo company Polaroid to produce the first web-enabled instant digital camera. Instagram users will be able to get their hands on the photo-printing camera by 2014, according to the report.

The Polaroid-brand digital camera will be based on Socialmatic inventor Antonio De Rosa's original concept. Here are the camera's features listed on the Indiegogo page:

- 16 GB mass storage
- Wifi and Bluetooth
- 4:3 touchscreen
- 2 main lens, first for main capture, second for 3D filters, webcam applications and QR Code capturing
- Optical zoom
- Led Flash
- Internal printer to make your Instagram photos real
- Paper cartridge with Instagram Paper Sheets
- Dedicated 4 colors ink tanks
- InstaOs 1.0, which put together Facebook and Instagram App feature
- Pairing with iPhone and Android App

The two companies are also developing accessories such as camera bags, lenses and filters.

[via FastCoDesign]