Robin Williams Thinks He Outdressed Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala

Kim K. or Mrs. Doubtfire?

May 8, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Looks like actor Robin Williams is cashing in on the meme of the week for even more laughs.

Kim Kardashian wore a floral dress by Givenchy to the Met Gala this past Monday and was unfortunately the butt of the event's jokes. Can she live? Apparently not. The Internet went nuts the very moment her first picture was posted online. Her dress alone caused a flood of memes from Photoshop-savvy individuals, including this one which puts Kim side by side with Robin Williams' famous Mrs. Doubtfire character. The comedian caught wind of the comparison and tweeted, “I think I wore it better.” Ice cold.

[via @robinwilliams]