Brad Pitt Allegedly Wants to Be on MOCA's Board, But He May Be Too "Dumb"

Not smart enough for MOCA?

August 19, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Last Thursday, ShowbizSpy reported that Brad Pitt wanted to be a board member at Los Angeles' Museum of Contemporary Art, but an unnamed source reportedly said, "While they admire Brad’s ambition, I think the fear is that Brad might be a little on the dumb side to serve on an art board. He doesn’t even have a college degree." Ouch.

While Pitt might not be smart enough (in someone's eyes) to serve on the board of trustees, at least he has the money. To join the board, new members need to shell out $250,000 as well as an additional $75,000 per year. And it's not like the guy has never been to a museum. In 2009, Pitt spent just under $1 million on a painting at Art Basel, and just last year he debuted a furniture collection, working with some of the top designers in the industry.

While this certainly doesn't qualify him to sit on MOCA's board, at least he has been a patron to the arts. But as that brutally honest person that ShowbizSpy talked to said, "But just because he can buy art does not mean he can curate it. Good looks and fame are simply not enough to run a huge museum like the MOCA.” Really? Because we thought that was all it took to help manage one of the most important museums in the world.

Who knows, maybe Pitt just thought that with Jeffrey Deitch's jumping ship (following the departure of the artist members of the board last year) there are at least some openings over at MOCA.

[via ShowbizSpy]

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