Ernest Shackleton Of The Trader Joe's Frozen Food Aisle

August 11, 2014



You guys are probably wondering why I'm writing about such a heavy, chunky sweater like this in August. And it's 100% because last night I watched a 3-part documentary on a group of guys that decided to re-create Ernest Shackleton's trip from Elephant Island to South Georgia to rescue the crew of the Endurance after their ill-fated attempt to cross Antarctica. Shit was wild. They sailed, like, 800 nautical miles in a lifeboat. Anyways, the people in the documentary even wore replicas of the exact clothing and gear Shackleton and his men carried with them. And they looked so fucking cool. Sure, they were freezing and even 4 of the modern crew suffered from trench foot and frostbite, but goddamn their alphets were on point. You're not gonna do anything remotely as cool as re-creating Shackleton's epic route to save himself and his men, but you can wear a super chunky sweater and look really cool and stalwart and heroic while you stand in the frozen food aisle of Trade Joe's. You won't even shiver while you debate between getting the frozen biryani or the veggie burritos.