James Franco Attempts to Write About Andy Warhol in Vanity Fair

If you figure out what he was trying to say, let us know.

December 4, 2012

Most recently, we heard that James Franco directed a video for R.E.M.'s "That Someone Is You Cathead." Today, we've learned that he's written an essay in Vanity Fairabout Andy Warhol, and while we applaud him for continuing his Renaissance-man journey through pop culture, art, and journalism, he's written a very weird piece. The essay begins with general discussion about art's ability to be "anything" in the contemporary moment, but it ends mentioning the Metropolitan Museum of Art's latest Warhol exhibition, Regarding Warhol. As much as we want it to make sense, it doesn't really follow any idea or argument to the end. Read it here to see what you think.

[via VanityFair]

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