Young Thug Says 90 Percent of His Closet Is Women’s Clothing

Young Thug recently revealed that 90% of his clothing is women’s.

September 27, 2015
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Young Thug is no stranger to drawing headlines concerning his sense of style. The rapper’s fondness of women’s clothing has been well documented—he’s has already posed for Dazed Magazine wearing a Gucci dress. But if there was any question of the Gucci dress incident being a one-time thing, the man behind the crossover hit ‘Good Times’ with Jamie xx is speaking out about his love for women’s fashion.

So, why does the male rapper shop in the women’s section? “Because women’s clothes are [slimmer] than men’s clothes,” he said in a recent interview with GQ Magazine. “The jeans I got on right now, they’re women’s jeans. But they fit how they’re supposed to fit. Like a rock star,” he continued.

Thugger has been rocking his signature gender-bending look for quite some time. He elaborates, “The only thing I probably have in men’s is like, briefs. T-shirts. 90 percent of my clothes are women’s.”
