The Best Pieces of Art This Year From "Baseball Card Vandals"

A rundown of the best gags on Baseball Card Vandals this year.

July 1, 2015
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Complex Original

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As a kid growing up (odds are) at some point you collected baseball cards. Then as a teenager growing up (odds are) you realized how completely pointless this was. The rest of the world followed suit, they became worthless, and now you have a bunch of three-by-four inch cardboard portraits stuffed in several boxes in your attic. At this point you're left with two reasonable options:

1.) Throw them out.

2.) Draw dicks on them.

The brothers at Baseball Vandals went with the latter route. They're keeping the love of baseball sports cards alive by taking what were once precious childhood heirlooms, and defacing them until they look like your trapper keeper from middle school. Against all odds they've transformed stale pictures of forgettable players into entertaining (and often NSFW) works of art. We swear they're legitimately better this way. They're like memes you can hold in your hand, except they've scrapped Photoshop for a permanent marker. If Van Gogh were still alive there's no doubt this is what he'd be doing.

They're nowhere near mint condition, yet somehow they're still priceless. Here are the Best Pieces of Art This Year From Baseball Card Vandals:

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Great art makes you think.

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Do I look away, or no?

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Sort of, yeah.

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Subtlety's the Key

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Jump, Jump!

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Sound Advice

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This Guy's Stuff is Filthy

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Side Effects of PEDs

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As awkward on the mound as it is in the locker room.

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Our fantasy--oops--we mean nightmare come to life.

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The Sequel to Edward Scissorhands

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Wrecking Ball

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How would Bugs Bunny commit suicide?

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Shout-out to socks on the floor.

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Hall of Fame Manager Right Here

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Snap Out of It

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When you got it worse than Jim Abbott.

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Not sure what's more comically oversized here.

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The only way diving would ever be entertaining.

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At all times...

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The key to a girl's heart.

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Though he throws gas....kind of.

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Where do giant ants come from?

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Testing your 'mute' button since 2008.

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Bring these masks back.

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Wait! Are you sure you want this?

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Those years are awkward for everyone.

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Hey, nobody's perfect.

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A long way from Robinson Cano.

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Wouldn't mind if this were the last we ever heard of this song.

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Great name for a memoir.

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Thanks for the warning.

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Seconds on chili night lead to...

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My homegirls standing to my left and my right, true blue and tight like glue...

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One for the blooper reel.

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Like looking in a mirror.

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The blueprint for teachers to get out of poverty.

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The Thunder God

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So that's where he went.

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Saving money on toilet paper? This is what happens.

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